Today,I came with another useful offer for every blogger like you.Recently I Got a e-mail from MaxblogPress that are they are giving 30 % discount on their Popular MaxBlogPress Subscriber Magnet.Normally,Maxblogpress subscriber magnet cost $37 for single site and $97 for Multi site license. MaxBlogPress subscriber magnet will help you to increase your subscriber in great manner.This plugin is specially for those who want to create huge list of email subscribers to their blog posts.

Learn How Not Only To Double,But Triple And Even Quadruple The Number of Email Subscribers to Your WordPress Blog without getting additional traffic.

maxblogpress subscriber magnet 30 % OfferThis Discount will expire on 22nd March 2013 ,Midnight [EST]

Live Demo[/su_button] Download[/su_button]


Why You Should Buy This Plugin??

  • Maxblogpress Subscriber magnet works with almost all major auto responders available in the market like iContact,Aweber,Constant contact,Mailchimp and Getresponse.
  • MaxBlogpress provide free updates of this plugin from time to time.
  • There are lots of ways to add opt-in form to your Post & Pages
  • You can also send personal messages to your commentors
  • You can easily track your subscriber stats with Analytic & Tracking options.

UpdateRecently Maxblogpress released 4.9 version of MBP subscriber magnet.This new version is equipped with ability (Responsive optin form) which allow you to grab more subscriber from mobile users.

Normally,MaxBlogPress Subscriber Magnet Costs $97 for Unlimited License and $37 for Single Site but if you act now,you can grab it for only $67 (unlimited license) and $25 (single site).

What Next ??

I would recommend you to buy this MaxBlogPress Subscriber Magnet for your blog .You will not get such a good deal again.So don’t ignore it .Grab 30 % Discount on this plugin as soon possible.

Grab 30 % Discount on MBP Subscriber Magnet Now


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