Do you want to make your order management process more efficient and looking for a WooCommerce custom order status plugin for it? Then, you don’t need to worry at all. This time, we have collected these amazing WooCommerce plugins that allow you to manage orders and allow you to identify them at each stage. Although, WooCommerce provides a list of order status tags and some users also want to customize that process with various fields, tags, and custom labels. Also, with a WooCommerce Custom Order Status plugin, you can easily create unlimited order status and allow you to cancel or pay orders and even download possible linked files. You can easily monitor steps that you can use from the purchase of an item to delivery to your customers. Check out these amazing WooCommerce plugins and choose your favorite custom order status for WooCommerce plugin from the list below.

We have collected these fantastic WooCommerce custom order status plugin that are as follows:

  1. Custom Order Status For WooCommerce
  2. Yith WooCommerce Custom Order Status
  3. WooCommerce Order Status Manager

1).Custom Order Status for WooCommerce

Custom-Order-Status-for-WooCommerceThe custom order status WooCommerce plugin allows you to create and manage custom order status within the WooCommerce order status dashboard. You can easily send notifications to customers and admins when the order status changes. It also allows you to create custom statues for built–in payment gateways, 3rd party payment gateways plugins, and even for custom payment gateways. You can also send custom notification emails & SMS when the status of an order is changed to a custom status. Other features of this plugin are as follows.


  • Automatic alert notifications for admins
  • Customers can cancel orders with custom statuses
  • Add icons for each custom status
  • Update multiple orders to a custom status with bulk actions
  • Edit default WooCommerce order statuses
  • Update product stock levels when a custom status is applied to an order
  • Make orders with custom statuses non–editable
  • Notify customers with emails & SMS etc.

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2).Yith WooCommerce Custom Order Status

Yith-WooCommerce-Custom-Order-StatusThis WooCommerce plugin will make it easy for you to manage your order statuses and allow you to create custom labels for your orders. It will allow you to improve the appearance and useability of your orders page. With the available features, it will provide you with advanced monitoring steps that you can use from the purchase of an item to delivery to your customers. It also allows you to cancel or pay orders and even download possible linked files. You can easily create unlimited order statuses and also identify them with unique names and colors. Other features of this WooCommerce plugin are as follows.


  • Integration with Yith WooCommerce Order tracking
  • Allow the order cancellation
  • Allow the payment
  • Consider the order paid
  • Restock items in the order
  • Show the status in the action’s column
  • Let users download the associated files
  • Show order with this status in the WooCommerce report
  • Identify each state with an icon or a textual label
  • Create order status & identity them with unique names & colors
  • Customizable emails for all the custom status
  • Import custom status from third-party plugins etc.

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3).WooCommerce Order Status Manager

WooCommerce-Order-Status-ManagerThis WooCommerce plugin makes it easy for you to create, edit, delete completely custom order statuses and merge them into your WooCommerce order management flow. It will allow you to edit the core order statuses and help you to trigger new order emails based on status changes. The new order emails can be easily triggered as an order status change notifier and you can also easily trigger emails based on changes between current statuses or core statuses so that the customers and/or shop admin are always informed about the changes & updates. You can also use the custom order statuses in your order list and can also integrate it into the order actions or bulk actions. You can also Mark order payment as require payment to show pay and cancel links to customers. Other features of this plugin are as follows.


  • Drag & drop the order statuses
  • Use status icon instead of text badge
  • Easily includes order with custom status in the order reports
  • Delete custom statuses without losing orders
  • Edit new email via new templates
  • Import existing custom statuses from custom code or other plugins
  • Add bulk action for new statuses in the order list
  • Use next status to create a seamless workflow etc.

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What Next??
I would recommend you to use these WooCommerce plugins for your website as it comes with many features which I discussed above. I have already cleared all the features of a useful custom order status plugin. So what are you waiting for?? Grab these awesome plugins for your upcoming website.


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